Aptco Inc. Business forms and office supplies.

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Aptco Inc. Business forms, office supplies and promotional material.
Aptco Inc. Business forms, office supplies and promotional material. Custom business forms for any application.

Aptco inc. is a service company to business forms distributors. The history of Aptco Inc. is mostly a history of it's founder/owner Al Pipkins, CFC.

Al started with the big direct in 1963. After several years and several towns, he decided there had to be a better way. He started his first distributorship in Mobile, Alabama in the summer of 1975. He merged with a competitor in 1979, and finally left to start Aptco Inc. in 1985.

The present "Service bureau" concept started in 1993. This was a concept born of beliefs of what Al felt to be obvious truths.

Some of these truths include:

  • Everybody wants to own the company, but nobody wants to do anything other than sell.
  • The customer belongs to the salesperson, not the distributorship.
  • Too much of the margin goes to the company, and not the salesperson.
  • Good Salespeople are also good businesspeople.
  • Managing good salespeople is a waste of the managers time, and an aggravation to the salesperson.
  • We can provide all the needed services to allow a good salesperson to own the business, while performing only sales duties, and we can do it cheaper than they can do it for themselves.

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